
Friday, November 23, 2012

Of Colds, Turkey, and Growing Boys {Weekly Wrap-Up 11/23/2012}

a post by Jenni {aka Mom}

There’s no link-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers this week, but being as I have a few minutes I might as well post a quick wrap-up anyway. :)

We spent this Thanksgiving with our little family alone, which is a change of pace for us. It seems strange not to be with Nana or have good friends around for the holiday! Last year’s open house was a blast, and even when Daddy was in the military, we were usually blessed with some friends where ever we were stationed that we could spend the holiday with. This year, it was just not to be. Disappointing as that may be, the relaxed atmosphere and laid back, non-demanding schedule are a refreshing change of pace, though! Especially since some subset of the family has been sick all week. Head colds, fever, and sore throats abound! Thankfully, it didn’t fully hit me until after Thanksgiving dinner, and I’ll have some time to rest up before school on Monday!

We took the whole week off of school. Monday we made a run to the house we moved out of that’s on the market, and did a quick cleaning there. Once that was finished, we stopped in at Granny's for a quick visit. Then we ran some errands and swung by the farm where we get our meat to pick up our Thanksgiving turkey.

By Tuesday, Daddy and the younger two were down for the count. Bo and I spent the day together. That boy is growing so fast! All his pants were high-waters, and his shirts were beginning to look shrunken, so we went clothes shopping for him (it’s so painful for me to buy my child’s clothes in the men’s section!!). We also went out to lunch, and then he patiently accompanied me to my hair appointment. It was my first haircut in about a year, so I’m very happy to have it done! I feel so much better! I’ve been trimming my own bangs, and my new stylist said she’d do walk-in bang trims for free if I’d just please not cut them myself anymore (I didn’t think they were that bad…). While downtown Bo and I stopped in for cupcakes at an adorable local cakery - what a wonderful treat! (I LOVE cupcakes! In case you didn't know already...and this place is seriously awesome!)

The rest of my time this week was spent cleaning and prepping for Thanksgiving, as well as catching up on household and school paperwork. The boys & Daddy raked some leaves, and spent a fair amount of time lying around. Snotty noses and juicy coughing abounded. Yum.

This week Daddy also put the finishing touches on the hens’ nesting boxes. He and Bo continued cutting down small trees in the yard as well. They’re making room for a garden, and just thinning out the woods so we can see and better appreciate the gorgeous big trees.

By the end of Thanksgiving dinner, the sickies finally hit me full force. I was extra thankful that everyone had leftovers to graze on, and that I had the freedom to get some rest! I was also thankful that Daddy and the boys all seem to be feeling better, with just lingering coughs and runny noses.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday, and took the time to count up all your many blessings!

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